Wednesday 14 March 2012


Gee,its like the world come to its final destination every time my/our heart got an heart-ache..
Everything is a mess and you'll try to make yourself busy. Yet,you are hurting like there's a GIUK'
in ur 'pantat'><

Bluek!! :p What a waste of time =..="!
Its not like HIS THE ONLY MAN on this whole wide world..

"Kumbang bukan seekor!"

Then you've realise,his my FIRST!(i mean the really2 first~doesnt mean your first Boyfriend..your first EVERYTHING!)
means you are BUDU to give it all away to your so called soul mate~
The 'Kumbang' also will say "Bunga bukan sekuntum"

So,this message is an alert to all girls out there.. We might be facing this situation on our early sweet 16 and some might be facing this after they think they are not under 18..

Aduiinaaa,basug kopio~
FYI,boy respect you when you respect yourself!
Trust me,if the boy asked for 'itu2'.
His only in to you for SEX!!

We come to the end of our sharing..
Conclusion is,we respect GOD first,then our self then we respect our MAN!
They need our respect to control their EGO.
Love God,Love yourself and Love your man^^

Loving you,
Miss Jessie Rin the GreatesT!
I'm a dorm's girl!huahahahaha<3