Thursday 12 January 2012

Double Bubble map~


OMG,this new way to study is so boring,its like kindergarten way..

For me, the person who invented these stuff is 'copyrighting' it from someone else's idea,
But still,it can attract me to learn about it till the BRIDGE MAP~(last map)

Guest that what student life means right??=LEARNING new stuff..
Ok, ok, ok.. Seems like it is a must to LEARN it, I MUST have the feeling that those MAPS are interesting,

I would like to share it with everyone,
what is the most attracting maps?

~Jeng, jeng, jeng...(drum roll please)
give a big hand for the most interesting map among all ::


My friend and I use to find many SIMILARITY and DIFFERENTIATION between a lots of stuff..

for example:
                                                                 GIRLS     and      BOYS

I know, i know, i know..its not fair that we GIRLS are been said "PISAU CUKUR" (MONEY SPENDER)
but,its reality right boys and girls?
The man who are supposed to earn money to support their woman,i mean us right??
They need to give us love,care,protection and the most important of all is MONEY..

But we also need to realize that, we cant depends on them to much..
Because when its time,we'll have to be independent~

After learning 8 kind of maps,I realized that we're not so dumb at all,we're just being too lazy to have the ability to think critically..
But i know,we dont need all this to THINK ACTIVELY,we just need to open our mind..
We never know whats going to happens tomorrow.. We just plan it,but God already have a plan for us..
We just need to be patient, courageous,courtesy and a little faith on doing something to face this cruel world=.= (if you're being positive thinker,you'll never said this world is cruel)

But most of all,keep on believing and leave it all to God^^

                                                      Pray a lot okay? like this girl^^

Me~Miss Rin the GreaT!
Im not around for 11 month maybe,*staying at hostel T.T
but do keep in touch^^

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